[q&a] Amy Middleton, Archer Magazine

Today, there is cause for celebration in Australia, for today is the day that Archer successfully hit its crowdfunding target. I was lucky enough to grab Amy Middleton, the founding editor of Archer, for a quick ‘n’ dirty Q&A:

Amy Middleton, Founding Editor of Archer Magazine

Amy Middleton, Founding Editor of Archer Magazine

Archer, Australia’s first magazine focusing on sexuality and sexual diversity has *just* successfully completed its Pozible campaign. A massive congratulations to all involved, how are you feeling?

Thank you! I’m feeling elated, relieved and excited. And grateful that my mates didn’t un-friend me on Facebook for my incessant posting!

What prompted you to create Archer? Why the need for a magazine like this? And where did the name come from?

Archer came about out of my own desire for a single Australian media source that covers issues pertaining to the sexual equality movement. I’ve been a journalist for a long time, so when I had that thought, I felt compelled to create something. I mostly wanted to make a collection of writing and photography that would act as a relic of its time in terms of our attitudes to sexuality and diversity. Something we could look back on and see how things had shifted.

The name has personal and general significance. Generally speaking, an archer’s job is to get to the point, and keep his or her eye on the prize. It is a symbol of concentration, strength and resilience. Personally, it refers to an heirloom in my family – an art deco statue of a naked woman with a bow and arrow. In that sense, it represents freedom and art, and a combination of masculinity and femininity.

Besides yourself, who else is on the team? Where did you find them?

Where did I find them? As though I stumbled upon them in the forest! We are a team of five.

Felipe Ubilla, one of two designers working on Archer’s first issue, is a layout artist I used to work with at Bauer Media. I knew he would be into this project, as he loves creativity and new media. An old friend and colleague of his, Kyran Docker, rounds out the design team.

Alexis Desaulniers-Lea is a Canadian-born photographer who I selected as my image curator after posting an ad online. She is amazingly passionate and committed, and has a great eye for images. My sister, Jessica Jean, is our social media admin. She has a killer concentration span and an eye for hashtags.

I know you probably haven’t had time for much reflection, but how have you found the crowdfunding experience? It must be an interesting feeling to know that people believe in this project enough to raise over $20,000 to see it come to life!

It has been really humbling, particularly the contributions from my friends and family. The process was also crucial to the mag’s production; the costs involved in printing a magazine are huge, so 200-odd people paying in advance for their copies of Archer is a very convenient model. The other upside is exposure – it’s a good opportunity to create a community around the title ahead of its launch.

I understand that the first issue is mostly locked and loaded – what will we can expect to see and read in Archer’s debut issue?

The mag is about diversity, so the topics and their writers are diverse. Our high-profile writer is Christos Tsiolkas; he has written a beautiful and honest piece in which he speaks up about a form of desire that people don’t usually talk about – that will be the most challenging article for readers. 11 other Australian writers, ranging from a press gallery member to a motorcycle journalist, cover nudism, sex and censorship in Australian film, etiquette in urban beats, the experience of a transgender man, the history of queer media, and of course, marriage equality.

Are there going to be any topics that are too taboo for Archer?

Hasn’t happened yet… although I have toned down the language in a couple of articles. I’m not sure that anything is too taboo if it’s framed in the right way. But ask me again in 12 months!

When and where can we buy the first issue?

The first chance to buy Archer will be at the launch party in Melbourne. It’s going to be fun! Watch our social networks over the next couple of weeks for details.
