International Women’s Day 2013

So, it is International Women’s Day and I feel it would be remiss of me to not make note of that here. The thing is, we are in the middle of a record-breaking heatwave in Melbourne and whilst I have a pretty spectacular fan, I also have been very very hot and not sleeping well for quite some time now. Basically, I have limited brain capacity for anything more than complaining loudly to anyone who gets within earshot of me about how hot it is. So I will be making note of IWD, but letting other women (who presumably have access to better air conditioning and insulation than I do, or who perhaps just aren’t the whining, heatstroking princess that I am) do the important bits..

The official International Women’s Day website is your go-to for listings of events and activities taking place all over the world.

You can check out Shakira Hussein’s piece on Crikey, where she gets us thinking about feminism post-Gillard.

Anne Summers uses IWD to issue a timely reminder about the epidemic of violence against women.

Clem Ford takes the media to task on the lack of voice given to women. Also, uses the phrase ‘virtual cock forest’ and I love her all the more for it.

The Feminist Porn Awards announces the nominees for 2013. I weep that I can not be there, vow to get there for 2014, and feel super pleased for some of my favourite pornographers who have been nominated (including a nice whack of Australian content: Gala Vanting @ Sensate Films, Zahra Stardust and Ms Naughty.

There are about a billion more articles and things happening that could be mentioned here, but I need to go and lie down and suck on ice cubes and think about the amazing women who have come before me, as well as those who will come after me, and their bravery and determination to make this world a safer and more equitable place for women.

..and I’m gonna listen to feminist icon and total babe Joan Jett while I do it!

[video] Superfunkycalifragisexy

I was reminded last night; watching Prince live is like porn for me. Ridiculous, tiny, sexy man.

[video] My Bloody Valentine

Seeing as it is Valentines Day and a mere two days before I get to see My Bloody Valentine live for the first time ever, it seemed appropriate to share one of my all time favourite MBV tracks here. There is something about the discordant meeting the ethereal that inspires a certain kind of narcotic, lustful haze. It could, of course, just be all that narcotic sex that has been soundtracked by them over the years..

Happy Valentine’s Day, lovers.


[video] Indie Sex

Less than a week until I see Weezer live. Two nights of swooning over Rivers? Yes please.

[video] Hipster Orgy

This music video clip for Perth’s Voltaire Twins a few months back was pulled from YouTube a mere six hours after the band uploaded it, due to inappropriate content (read: confusing, unevenly applied censorship). The band quickly made it available on Vimeo, who tend to be far cooler about depicting naked bodies and the like, but it appears to have snuck its way back onto YouTube undetected. If whimsy-kissed, ecstasy-fuelled oil-slicked-hipster orgies as orchestrated by real life twins are your thing, you’ll probably enjoy this video. Oh, and the song is actually gorgeous, too.

[video] Oh Hello, Prince.

This controversial 1991 MTV Awards performance will forever be incredible and sexy and oh, Prince. *swoons*


Reposted from the blog of old, still seems like a good place as any to start:

I’ve tried to figure out where to start with this blog. I mean, sex and related topics give me so much to work with, it’s almost a little overwhelming. So I thought I might take it back to my childhood. I was an 80s child, and like many of my peers, was a huge Madonna fan..

Like a Virgin, touched for the very first time.

Madonna in Playboy


When I was in the third grade, I had a massive bag of posters and cut outs, passed down to me by an older sister. I would sit in my room and carefully go through the pile of pictures, deciding which was the weekly favourite and blutacking it to my bedroom walls. The bag also contained *those* pictures from Playboy magazine. A beautiful series of photos of a naked Madonna – her beautiful, toned Italian body (with proud bush, let’s not forget). I couldn’t wait to have a body like that. I wanted to be her, and the images taught me more about the female form than any thing else at that time.

My name is Dita…

In the early 90s, Madonna released the controversial Erotica album. In fact, my third grade boyfriend gifted me with the Erotica cassingle and I played it on my little Sony portable tape deck until I damn near wore it out. Around this time, she also released the Sex book. A wonderful Warholesque scrap-book bound in a metallic cover, that featured image after image of sex, bondage, sadomasochism and, er, Vanilla Ice.

Madonna & Ice in Sex

Madonna & Robert in Sex

I didn’t own the book, of course. I was barely into the double-digit age group and couldn’t buy it (or afford it, or be allowed to own it). But the older sister had a copy and when I stayed with her, I would wait until she was sleeping and then pore through the pages by soft lamplight. I still wanted to be her, and she introduced me to a world of sexual adventure and delight that I couldn’t wait to explore.

Flogging in Sex

Flogging in Sex

The Girlie Show Down Under

You better believe I begged and pleaded to go to the 1993 stadium concert The Girlie Show Down Under. And you better believe that my requests got denied. Thankfully, the Sydney show was filmed for video (and shown on commercial television in Australia, which I taped with my face pressed up against the screen, dutifully pausing the VCR recording during ad breaks).

I watched that video over and over. It had everything. 70s-throwback orgies, pole dancing, the ‘Dita’ character, cross-dressing, bondage, fetish-inspired costumes. And of course, a veritable ‘best-of’ set list. I quite literally started to wear out the tape from watching this over and over again:

So what is the point to all of this? Madonna taught me that it was okay to be sexual. It was okay to be strange. It was okay to enjoy things that society has told you are bad and perverted. It was okay to be me. And I took that with me through my adolescence. I kept that in my mind during my experimental teenage years. Other people tried to put me down and make me feel bad for being a sexual being, but she remained a beacon of light. She wasn’t the most intellectual hero, but her message was relatable. If Madonna, Queen of Pop, could wear this and say that and do whomever she pleased – then so could I.

The Queen

The Queen